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A place to meet and a place to compete!


    The Women's Institute and Sedgemoor OAPs both use the Hall as a meeting place and make use of the kitchen facilities and the attractions of the main hall for visiting speakers. The Bridge club hold their sessions in meeting room, which has its own toilet and galley kitchen. The Scouts also use the hall as their indoor base.

    Karate classes take place in the hall, and the Table Tennis group meets weekly.

    The local primary school makes regular use of the Williams Hall for music and PE. The Hall also provides a venue for special school events.

    As well as occasional coffee mornings the Williams Hall is the venue for the monthly Saturday morning sale of books. Apart from buying and exchanging books this is a time for a coffee and a chat.

Ready to book?

Click HERE for availability calendar and details of how to book.


More information?

See our FACILITIES page

Download pdf files below:

Plan of the Hall

Detailed Facilities & Equipment


Hire Conditions

Hall Users' Information


Or CONTACT us for more details on any aspect of hiring the hall

    Past activities include a youth club, Dance classes, and a taster session of short mat bowls. Despite the full programme in the Williams Hall, attempts will always be made to cater for emerging needs of local people.

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